Forward Together in Hope – An Update

Roger EleyNews

In the Parish section of the website we’ve outlined the Diocese’s Forward Together in Hope review of all parishes and how best the catholic community might flourish in the future. Things have moved on since this initial post so we publish this update.

The review which started in the Autumn of 2014 had three stages Preparing the Way; Exploring the Way and the current final stage Pointing the Way. Each stage included prayer, data collection and meetings to develop viable future worshipping partnerships within the Diocese.

In November each parish in the Gateshead/North Durham area were given three options of partnership groups. Votes were collated and the current proposal for St Anne’s is a partnership with St Peter’s Low Fell, Corpus Christi Bensham, St Oswald’s Wrekenton and Holy Rosary Teams.

A Partnership Proposal document was collated by John Briers from St. Peter’s and submitted for consideration to the Diocese on 27th November.

It is understood that the proposals will be considered by the Bishop and the Diocesan Board of Governors in Spring 2017 with the final partnership arrangements expected to be in place by Summer 2017.

Further posts will be issued when we receive feedback from the Diocese on the proposals.